4 Tactics to Introduce Hospitality to your EVS Program

Studies have shown that patients overwhelmingly rate their care level higher when good communication between the patient, doctors, nurses and support staff — like EVS — is present. EVS employees can help make patients feel more relaxed simply by greeting them and informing them of the services and procedures performed in the room. This positive interaction between the EVS employee and the patient can positively affect the patient’s attitude, anxiety level, and perception of the Hospital.

Below are four tactics for EVS employees that introduce an element of Hospitality to your program:

  1. Introduce yourself to the patient. Try to get a sense of each individual’s personality. Inform the patient of the day’s cleaning schedule and associated tasks, and take the opportunity to answer any environmental questions they may have.
  2. Ask patients about their preference for how you clean their room — whether they prefer to be in the room or absent during regular cleaning.
  3. Always inquire if it’s convenient for the room to be cleaned. This action shows respect for the patient and allows them a degree of control.
  4. Leave behind contact information and clear instructions for the patient to request additional comfort items and services.

This unique emphasis on communication will notice patients and their families, significantly impacting their retention and referral to your Hospital.

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